After 10 seasons of sheer fun, laughter, tears and some extremely memorable moments, ‘Friends’ still remains the best show ever. There is no denying the fact that it is by far the best show to air on television. It has been nominated over 60 times for an Emmy and won six. Despite the questionable late 90’s fashion, this series showcases some of the best jokes, plot lines, romances, and friendships modern-day television has ever seen. There are not one, but a hundred reasons why F.R.I.E.N.D.S is the best show ever.
Apartment goals:
Apartment goals:
The greatest inspiration for painting your bedroom door purple and sticking a golden frame onto it comes from this flawless 23-year-old sitcom. Whether be it your own place or a café down the lane, people seem to be obsessed with the décor ideas offered by this show.

Here, we are not talking about the chic retro looks flaunted by the characters but the weirdly hilarious outfit ideas like-Ross’s leather trousers, Monica accessorizing a turkey with novelty sunglasses, and obviously every single thing worn by pregnant Phoebe, especially the Santa pants.
The one-liner:
I guess we do not need to be reminded of the one-liners capable of making us cry with laughter. These evergreen and memorable quotes are oh-so-relatable even after two decades of the airing of the show.


The characters:
Well, the basic element that binds us to this show is the super realistic and adorable characters. The weirdness of Phoebe, combined with the sarcasm of Chandler, along with the babe Rachel and the OCD patient Monica, topped up with some sensitivity of Ross and the perfect timing of Joey; forms the perfect recipe of a gala time with F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
Theme song:
If there is a song capable of making every 90’s kid wanting to jump in a fountain, then it is the one and only theme song of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. With every episode as a chance to shake our booty, we never seem to miss the beats to this amazing track. Undoubtedly many of you will be humming “I’ll be there for you….” for the entire day today!


Real life issues:
There is no denying the fact that Friends was one the first shows to air that addressed real-life issues and taboos. All the relevant real-life situations made us ponder about our lives too. Falling in love with a friend, finding the right kind of love, turning your best friend into roomie and finding your calling in life; all seem to be really relevant issues in the life of an adult.
The never-ending cameos:
No other show has witnessed historically hilarious cameos as Friends. Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Robin Williams, Sean Penn, Reese Witherspoon, Tom Selleck, Hugh Laurie, Richard Branson, Christina Applegate, Susan Sarandon, Paul Rudd, Bruce Willis; and the list go on and on. Every episode had us on the edge of our seats in anticipation of the guest starring.


Still relatable:
This can be guaranteed that there is at least one episode that you can completely relate to. You can watch a number of reruns of this show because of its approachability. Various heart breaks, change in jobs, moving in and out and the relationships; all seem to fit into pieces.
True love:
Whether it’s the unmatched chemistry of Monica and Chandler or the hilarious match of Ross and Rachel; it has taught us that true love need not always be the perfect person. You will eventually land up with the person who knows how to love you with all your flaws, while you are busy admiring his imperfections! They gave us true relationship goals.

The Friends themselves:
Who would have thought that a chef, a palaeontologist, a rich girl, an accountant, a masseuse/ hippy and an actor will form such a great gang together? It taught us various important messages including to accept the people who are totally different from you. The twisted plot made it quite clear that though the things might not go as you planned them, they will surely end on a good note. The characters make this show flawless and immortal. We all have bits and pieces of Joey, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler and Phoebe in us in some form or the other.
This piece of writing will not only galvanize you to watch another rerun of this epic show but also urge you to go for a coffee with your old pals. As we all know that nothing spells as perfect as an outing with your F.R.I.E.N.D.S
This piece of writing will not only galvanize you to watch another rerun of this epic show but also urge you to go for a coffee with your old pals. As we all know that nothing spells as perfect as an outing with your F.R.I.E.N.D.S